JCCA February Drive & Dine
February 26th, arrive at 1 P.M for Lunch at the
Long Bow Golf Club in Mesa AZ.
Join us for a fun time as we park our beautiful Jags on the grass surrounding the Patio where we will enjoy their wonderful cuisine.
Featuring All-American favorites that have a bit of Southwestern spice.
JCCA will sponsor the Appetizers and giveaways. Lunch Menu
This is sure to be a Great Time with Good friends, old and new, and Sweet
Jaguars to boot.
Directions - 5601 E Longbow Pkwy Mesa, AZ 85215
Drive Team Leaders
East Valley Leader : Dave Tuttle: 480-430-6697
West Valley Leader: Robert Morgan: 623-377-6695
Scottsdale Leader: Dennis Eynon: 480-356-2497
North Valley Leader: Wayne Randall: 503-869-2931