JCCA Past Events


December JCCA AZLRO Car Show - Arrowhead Jaguar / LR  12/02  Terrific Show.  Thank You all who Donated a Toy - a great success.  Congratulations Marj and Larry Shaffer for Best of Show         

November AGM / Janet Cussler Collection - 11/18 -WOW! what a great event.

November Jags & Java -  11/11  - Arrowhead Jaguar -  Beautiful Day

October Jags & Java  10/14 - Chandler Land Rover -  Great Cars & Great Friends

Arizona Wine Country Tour - 09/22 to 24th - Sonoita Inn  What a Great Time

August Breakfast Drive & Dine - 08/26 The Willows @ Casino Az - Great Food

August Lunch Drive and Dine - George's Dragon Pub - Fun & Games

July Drive and Dine - 07/08/23  -  The Stillery -  Loved the Live music

June Breakfast Drive and Dine  - 6/24/23  - Rudy's BBQ  -  Sweeeet Brisket

June Jags & Java - 06/10/23 - Chandler Land Rover - Thanks Bob Brown

May Drive and Dine - 05/18/23  - Mountain View Pub - Great Views & Friends

May Jags & Java - 05/13/23 - Arrowhead Jaguar - Nice XK8's on display

The Lovell Collection - 05/11/23 - Thank You Mike Lovell for sharing with us.

2023 BEAR Run -  04/22/-23 - Great Trip = Thank you Sponsors

March Jags & Java - 03/11/23 - Arrowhead Jaguar -  Great time for All

Feb. Jags & Java - 02/11/23 - Chandler Jaguar -  The XJS' were gorgeous 

Jan. Jags & Java - 01/14/23  - Arrowhead Jaguar - Thank you E Type Owners
  for Making a Wish Come True


Dec. Jags & Java - 12/10/22  - Chandler Jaguar - Thank you for all the Donations

Nov. Jags & Java - 11/12/2023 - Arrowhead Jaguar - Thanks Team Arrowhead

JCCA Auto Show d'Elegance - The McCormick - Great Success - Beautiful Jags

Oct Jags & Java - 10/08/22 -  Chandler Jaguar -  Thank you the coffee was great

Sonoita Wine Tour 9/30 to 10/2 - Sonoita Inn -  One of the Best trips ever.

Sept Jags & Java  -  09/10/22  - Arrowhead Jaguar -  Great Time.

August Drive & Dine - 08/27/22 - Elly's Brunch & Cafe - Super Fun 

July Drive & Dine -  07/23/22 - The Willows at Casino Arizona - Excellent Bet.

June Drive & Dine - 6/25/22  - Breakfast Club - Biltmore - Loved it !!

May Drive & Dine  -  05/21/22 -  South Mountain Wow, and Great Lunch

May Jags & Java - 05/14/22  -  Arrowhead Jaguar  - Another Success

The BEAR 2022 - 4/24-25 - Great Tour, Great fun, Great Evening Reception

April Jags & Java - 04/09/22  - Chandler Jaguar - Cool Ice Cream Sandwiches

March Drive & Dine - 03/26/22 - Liberty Wildlife and Wallys- Cool Birds

March Jags & Java -  03/12/22 -  Arrowhead Jaguar -  Meeting new Members

Feb. Dine & Drive -  2/26/22 - Longbow Golf Course - Great show of Cars

Feb Jags & Java  -  2/12/22  - Chandler Jaguar-  Great time for All

Jan Drive & Dine - 01/22/22 - American Italian Club - Fun Car Show & Pagent

Jan Jags & Java - 01/08/22 - Arrowhead Jaguar - Congrats Bob Brown Dealer's Choice Award winner.


Dec Jags & Java -  12/11/21  - Chandler Jaguar -  Thank you 4 the Toys

JCCA AGM 11/18/21 - Thank You to Dan Withers for hosting our meeting.

November Jags and Java - 11/14/21  -  Arrowhead Jaguar - Thank You 4 the Toys

Concours d'Elegance - Oct 29th - 31st.  - The McCormick Hotel

October Jags & Java - 10/09/21 - Chandler Jaguar - Welcome new members 

Cottonwood Wine Walk -  Oct 1st - 3rd.  -  Tavern Hotel -  Can't wait till Next Year

Final Judges Training - 09/18/21 - Flemmings Garage - Thank you Larry and Phil

Sept. Jags and Java - 9/11/21  -  Arrowhead Jaguar - Loved Best in Show

August Social Breakfast Drive - 08/28/21  -  Soul Cafe,  Cool Vibe !!!!

JCCA Judges Training -  8/21/21 -  Thanks to all who attended

August JCCA Cars & Coffee - 08/14/21 - Chandler Jaguar - Meeting new friends

July JCCA Social Drive - 07/24/21 - George & Dragon Pub - Darts and More

July JCCA Cars A& Coffee - 07/10/21  - Arrowhead Jaguar - I love Cappuccino

June JCCA Cars & Coffee - 06/12/21 - Chandler Jaguar -  Thank You Bobby P.

May Social Drive - E-Type 60th Anniversary -  Awesome cars - Wonderful Event

May JCCA Cars & Coffee - 05/15/21 - Arrowhead Jaguar - Great Attendance

April Social Drive - 04/24/21 - The McCormick / BabbO's - Bellisimo

March Social Drive - 03/27/21 - Aunt Chilada's - So much Fun !!

February Social Drive - 02/20/21 -  Lon's at the Hermosa - Wow that was Great.

January Social Drive - 01/16/2020 at Aunt Chiladas - Excelente !!  

 2020 Past Events                                                                          

2020 BEAR - 11/14 & 15 - Can't wait till next year. Awesome Drive. 

October Lunch Social Drive - Las Sendas -09/10 Beautiful Views of East Valley

Cottonwood Wine Walk 9/25-26. Great Success, Fabulous weekend

August Breakfast Social Drive  08/29 - Times Square -  Great Fun

July Breakfast Social Drive  07/18/20  Great drive, Great Views and Food.

Saturday Social Drive - Rudy's BBQ - 6/20/20 - Great turnout,  Killer BBQ

Sunday Social Drive - Fabio on Fire- 02/23/2020- Fantastico Italian food.

Mecum Auction JCCA Nite - 03-12-20 - What a blast. Best Auction Tour ever

February Member Meeting - 02/05/20 - Great Energy to start the year

Russo and Steele Meetup - 01/16/20 - Great Cars + Great People = Great Fun

January Member Meeting - 01/08/20  -  Great start to the New Year.

2019 Past Events                                                                                 

Christmas Holiday Party - 12/11/19 - AWESOME !!! Loved the Caroling
                                                  Sunshine Angels Charity Letter

Cottonwood Wine Tasting Run - 11/16/19 - Beautiful Drive, Great Fun

November Member Meeting - 11/06/19  -  Welcome to new members

2019 Concours D'Elegance - 10/19/20 - Fantastic weekend of Cars and Fun

October Member Meeting - 10/02/19  -  Great crowd - Nel wins Door prize

Concours Judge's Training Mtg - 09/28/19 - The Team is ready and able

September Dinner Mtg - Aunt Chilada's 09/04/19 -  Fantastico

August Social - Sasha's Kitchen, 08/17/19 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm  - Beautiful !!!

July Social - The Sicilian Butcher - 7/20/2019 -  Era Multi Buono !!!

June Luncheon Social - George and Dragon  -  06/22/2019 - Loved the Darts

June Dinner Meeting & Social -   BabbO's Restaurant - 6/5/2019  

The BEAR - Run to the East - 4/13-14/2019

April Dinner Meeting & Social - BabbO's Restaurant - 4/3/2019

March Dinner Meeting & Social - Spoke and Wheel - 3/6/2019 

Saturday Breakfast at Tom Thumb - 3/30/2019

Concours in the Hills - Great event - We won "Best Car Club Display" 2/9/2019

Dinner / Social Meeting - BabbO's Scottsdale - 2/06/2019

Russo and Steele Auction Night - 01/17/19
Great fun at the auction with pizza, cheese steak and Italian Sausage and peppers

Dinner / Social Meeting - at Spoke and Wheel - 01/09/2019

Visit to Terry Larsen's Collection  -   01/05/19 

Wow! This one filled up quickly. It was a great time. Lunch at Pacino's Italian restaurant on
N Power Road was excellent.

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