2025  Run To the South          Gold Key Donor 

 Event Dates:    April 5th and 6th, 2025             

This Caribbean Adventure will go East from Riverview Center in Mesa and reach it's destination at the beautiful Canoa Ranch Golf Resort with several of interesting stops along the way. It is sure to be a great experience. 

Departure info:  the event will depart from the Riverview Center at Dobson and the N.202.  Registration opens at 7:00 am. Exit the North 202 at Dobson going South and make first Left into the Riverview Center entrance.
Follow the signs to our starting place. There will be people directing you where to park.

Our tour will take us through to Globe our first stop for Coffee and doughnuts. Visit the Art gallery while we are there. Then south on Hwy 77 to Oro Valley North of Tucson where we will stop for lunch. Upon leaving N. Tucson we will head west to Picture Rock Rd, and south to Kinney Rd. on the west side of Star Pass mountain. Enjoy the beauty of the Saguaro Nat'l Park as we pass Old Tucson.  Continuing south we will travel south to the Duval Mine and then on to our destination at the Canoa Ranch Golf Resort in Green Valley for our evening Reception and Dinner.  Evening Caribbean entertainment featuring Chris Arpad  

Please try to arrive by 7:00 am so you can sign in, pick up your Tour Book and goodies. 
Tour Cost Per Vehicle:  Deluxe Room package $540.00.  Includes 2 attendees.
                                           Deluxe Room package $485.00.  For 1 attendee.
                                           Suite Package $ 595.00   (King Bdrm, LR, DR, Kitchen)
Join with friends to share adjoining room and save $55.00  2 Bdrm Suite package $1,080.00

Registration is now Open


  • 2022 BEAR Tour Book
  • 2 Event Name Badges
  • Sponsor event gift - Commemorative BEAR Run Light Pen 
  • Coffee / pastry at Globe Stop
  • BEAR Logo Door sign  
  • Lunch in Oracle 
  • Mid day Snack Bag
  • 2 Tickets to the BEAR RECEPTION at the Canoa Ranch Golf Resort
  • 2 - Event Ball Caps 
  • Tour photo with your car.
  • 2 Sunday breakfasts included with Sunday Night Hotel stay
    King or Double Bedded room for 2 guests as available.

  • Overnight Free Parking

  • Raffle Prize Baskets  - Proceeds donated to Charity  -  Arizona Compassion in Action

    You can add Sunday lodging at our group rate in the Event Item registration section if you want to extend your stay                                     to enjoy the shopping in Tubac, or visit a winery in Sonoita. 
     Also we have Tee times available to play a round of Golf on Sunday at the
 Canoa Golf resort.  Add this to your
     package in registration.     
     We have limited quantities of our BEAR event vest so order one while they are available in your size.   

             The BEAR is brought to you by in association with our 2022 Charity partner:                               

     The Jaguar Club of Central Arizona & Arizona Compassion in Action                                                                                                                   

      Register now


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