Drive to the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Mesa

  • 06 Jan 2018
  • 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Denny's, 7000 E. Mayo Blvd (Mayo & Scottsdale Rd), Phoenix, AZ 85054
  • 33


Registration is closed

Drive to the Commemorative Air Force Museum and Lunch

7:30 a.m.  For those who want to attend, the Cars and Coffee Meetup, it is being held at the Harkins Cine Capri, 7000 Mayo Blvd.  Plan on being there at 7:30am sharp.  

9:30 a.m.  Those participating in the Drive and Lunch only should meet at the Denny's at Mayo Blvd and Scottsdale Road by 9:30 a.m.

Our destination is in Mesa; we are traveling from Loop 101 to the Red Mountain Freeway Loop 202 heading East.

9:50 a.m. We will take the Dobson Rd exit from the Loop 202.  Head south on Dobson Rd to the McDonalds (facing Dobson it is located on the east side of Dobson Rd) in the RiverView Shopping Center.  Anyone wishing to join the caravan to Falcon Field can meet us at this stop.

10:30 a.m.  We will begin to organize ourselves in the assigned parking at Falcon Field (watch for staff assisting with the parking).  You will receive handouts with a map showing the route from the Shopping Center going South to the Museum.  Parking is designated on the handout.  All attendees MUST be on the Attendance Roster to be admitted to the event.  Additional Docents will be assigned to our group to ensure small groups and lots of personal attention by the Docents for Q&A.  It is imperative that you Register here on the website.

11:00 a.m.  Tours of the Museum Begin

NOONish  The Photographer will begin setting up for a GROUP Photo.  There may be more than 1 group organized for the photo depending upon how many cars are registered.  You can be in any ONE Group if we must create more than one group.

Optional Individual Photos with vintage airplanes:  After the group photos, those wishing for an individual photo will queue up in the parking lot AFTER your group photo.  All group photos will occur first.  Then, each car that wants an individual photo will be directed back to the tarmac for individual photos.

First come, first served for photos.  We will assign group and individual photos by the order in which YOU register for this event.  For example, if you are the 3rd person to register and the two attendees registered ahead of you indicate they want photos, you will be 3rd for the individual photo and most likely be in the first Group photo.

Note:  Those attendees who want their photo taken must fill out and return Form A for Personal Use or Form C is for the Professional Photographer.  The form must be filled out and returned no later than January 3rd.   Here are the link for Form A and Form C.  Scan the form and email it to Rosemary at or FAX to 480-429-6911 (fax only -  no phone calls to this number). 

Those traveling from other directions than the route stated above, please meet at the Airfield no LATER than 10:30 a.m.  Stay with your parked car until the group arrives.  We will enter through the gates to the Museum in a group.

Attendees Do Not have to be members of JCCA to enjoy this event.  The limit is 60 attendees.  Members should register NOW before we invite other car enthusiasts to join us.

You must RSVP for yourself and any guests if you are going to the museum and indicate whether you want a photo or not.

Lunch "on your own" will follow at the Steak and Stone Steak House & BBQ not far from the museum.  The restaurant is located at 2613 N. Thunderbird Circle, Mesa, AZ  85215.  To get there travel east on McKellips Road to Higley Road (1 mile).  Turn Right on Higley and take a left on E. Falcon Drive (about 3/4 mile).  Take the first right on Thunderbird Circle and the restaurant will be on your right. 

Thank you for your time to participate in our January activity.  Reminder, there will be NO January Membership Dinner on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2018.

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