JCCA 2018 Holiday Party
When: Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 @ 6pm
Where: The Home of Bill and Becki Ewing
1066 E Waltann Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85022

Directions: From 7th Street – go East on E Paradise Lane (South of Greenway)
Turn Right on N 10th St, then Left on E Marconis, then take the 2nd right onto
N 11th St,
Last but not least, take the 2nd Right on E Waltann Lane. There should be plenty of parking on the cul-de-sac. Note: Lookout Mountain Preserve is just east so not all streets go through. You may want to familiarize yourself by looking at the linked map.
Cost: $60 per person
Dinner and Beverages (beer/wine) are included in the price of the event.
Dinner is being catered by Babbo’s Restaurant: Salad, Shrimp Cocktail,
Pasta Bolognese, Chicken Limone, Dessert table, plus a few surprises.
Charles Lewis, a Jazz Pianist will be playing for us, as well as, Casino tables, prizes and more . . .
Charity: The Sunshine Angels Children’s Home
Sunshine Angels is a non-profit organization that was founded to support foster children living in group homes within the Valley of the Sun (Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area). Their mission is to make a lasting difference in the lives of these children by instilling self-esteem and showing them that they are loved and valued, and to provide them with a brighter tomorrow.
Attendees are asked to bring a $25 Gift card to be donated to the Sunshine Angels Children’s Home.